10 Innocent Photos with Creepy Backstories – Part 2

Photos only provide a single frame in the timeline of someone’s life. A lot of pictures are intentionally shot creepy by the photographer. But what really makes a photo creepy? Is it the photo itself or the bizarre story behind the photos? Today let’s unravel 10 photos that look totally normal at first glance, but the story behind them is what will make your hair stand on end.


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Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were Dutch students who disappeared shortly after April 1, 2014, while hiking in Panama. A few weeks later their remains were found, just bone fragments and a few of their equipment. There was a camera along with their belongings. The camera contained photos from April 1 suggesting that the women had taken a trail and wandered into some wilderness hours before their first attempt to reach 911, but with no sign of anything unusual. On April 8, 90 flash photos were taken between 01:00 and 04:00, apparently deep in the jungle and in near-complete darkness. A few photos show that they were possibly near a river or a ravine. Some show a twig with plastic bags and candy wrappers on top of a rock, another shows what looks like toilet paper and a mirror on another rock, and another shows the back of Kremers’s head with what looks like blood by her temple.

Two months later, closer to where the backpack was discovered, a pelvis and a boot with a foot inside were found. Soon at least 33 widely scattered bones were discovered along the same river bank. DNA testing confirmed they belonged to Froon and Kremers. Froon’s bones still had some skin attached to them, but Kremers’s bones appeared to have been bleached. What really happened to them is still unclear. What’s creepy is that when those last photos were taken, the girls (or girl) were cold, alone and scared trapped in a forest at night.


  1. The Columbine shooters made their motives abundantly clear! Do not try to claim otherwise! They hated Christians, and targeted them. They believed in evolution, and targeted darker skinned people as a result of believing them to be “lesser”.
    You can find footage online confirming this.

    • Really? Is that the hill you want to die on? I hope you’re being sarcastic! No gun wielding nut supported democrats, everyone who loves guns is a conservative.

  2. @Jfreezy Look up Connor Stephen Betts. A gun wielding nut that supported Democrats. Every ideology can be taken too far and has crazies.

  3. I’m sorry but what those young men did at Columbine school had NOTHING to do with political affiliation. This was mental anguish and how they felt was the only way they could cope. I’m not calling them crazy per say because they orchestrated how they were going to act. This had everything to do with how they tried to cope in their existence and it became to much.

  4. I actually knew the Porco’s, they went to my parish in Loudonville, NY and we’re very active….
    St. Francis De Sales, now Christ Our Light…. I was only a kid though…



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