The Female Perspective: 83 Essential Facts About Women

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In 1770, the British Parliament passed a law condemning lipstick, stating that "women found guilty of seducing men into matrimony by a cosmetic means could be tried for witchcraft."

77. In China, some parking lots have spaces reserved for female parking. These spaces are wider and make parking easier and reduce accidents.

78. From 2005-2010, Prague had a brothel where men paid a one-time $23 fee, and women and couples entered for free. The catch was that their exploits were filmed and streamed online to paying customers.

79. Lipstick may contain metal in toxic amounts. Daily use of lipstick and/or lipgloss may expose women to excessive amounts of the metal chromium which is associated with stomach cancer. Also, 75% of products tested contain lead. There is no way for consumers to find out a product's metal content.

80. As First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt allowed only female journalists at her press conferences, ensuring that newspapers would have to hire women.

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81N. Korean women

N. Korean women

In North Korea women are not allowed to ride bikes, wedding ceremonies MUST be held before one of the 34,000 Kim-Il-Sung statues, and citizens must display in their homes a portrait of their leader.

82. Women in the national House of Representatives did not get a nearby ladies room until 2011, almost 100 years after they first became present in the House.

83. In 1977, an Israeli cargo ship rescued 66 starving Vietnamese Men, women, and children, after their SOS signals had already been ignored by 4 other Countries. Israel then granted them all citizenship.

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