The Female Perspective: 83 Essential Facts About Women

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51Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony once said that the invention of the modern bicycle "has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world" and called it the "freedom machine"

52. Men are more likely to say 'I Love You' first than women are.

53. There is an autoimmune disease which mimics the symptoms of demonic possession, and it has only been identified in the last 10 years. It affects mostly young women and can come on with no pre-warnings whatsoever.

54. In preparing for "Tootsie," Dustin Hoffman had an epiphany when he realized that although he found his female character interesting, he would not have spoken to her at a party because she was not beautiful and that as a result, he had missed out on many conversations with interesting women.

55. 82% of black women in the US are overweight with 56.6% being obese.

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56Julie d'Aubigny

Julie d'Aubigny

Swordswoman and opera singer Julie d'Aubigny seduced a woman who was then placed in a convent by her parents. Julie joined the convent, helped the women place a dead nun in her bed, set fire to the place, and escaped with her.

57. Two twins separated at birth. Both were named Jim by their families, married and divorced women named Linda, remarried to women named Betty had sons named James Allan and James Alan, and dogs named Toy.

58. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born woman who was a victim of genital mutilation and married off to her cousin. She escaped and sought asylum in the Netherlands, eventually being elected to the Dutch parliament. She is now an activist for women's rights and opposes honor violence and child marriage.

59. Two women had their daughters swapped at birth. After one divorced, a paternity test was done notifying her she wasn't The mother of her own child. Once discovered, both mothers decided to keep the daughter they Raised for so long.

60. In 2004, Van Gogh's great-grandnephew, Theo was murdered for making a film about violence against women in Islam. He was shot more than 8 times, cut in the throat to decapitate him, stabbed in the chest and stabbed with another knife attaching a note that threatened Western countries & Jews.

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61Lydia Fairchild

Lydia Fairchild

A pregnant single mom was investigated for welfare fraud after a DNA test showed she wasn't the mother of her own children. When she went in for follow-up tests, doctors realized she was a chimera.

62. Up until 1974, banks could refuse to issue a credit card to a woman unless she was married and her husband co-signed for the card. A divorced woman was considered too much of a risk because she "couldn't keep a marriage under control."

63.  A former teacher named Mohan Kumar would befriend young women, have sex with them and convince them to take a "morning after pill". Little did they know, the morning after pills were cyanide capsules made by him. He killed twenty women this way.

64. International Women's Day was first celebrated in the Soviet Union and used to be called International Working Women's Day until 1975.

65. Nikola Tesla was voluntarily chaste, despite numerous women "vying for his affections some even madly in love with him", because he believed sex inhibited his abilities to think in a scientific manner.

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66Sacred prostitution

Sacred prostitution

There was a custom in ancient Babylon compelling all women at least once in their lives to go to the temple of Aphrodite and have sex with a stranger.

67. Women account for 85% of consumer spending in the United States.

68. When a woman is attracted to a man, she speaks in a higher pitch than she does normally.

69. The first woman to serve in the US Senate was Rebecca Latimer Felton in 1922. She was 87 and served for only one day. She championed prison reform, women's rights, and education. She was the last member of Congress to have owned slaves, was a white supremacist and openly supported lynching.

70. Groping is so common in Japan, signs warning of it are visible everywhere and train companies designate women-only cars where women can feel safe knowing they won't be groped.

71Aaron Burr

Aaron Burr

Aaron Burr believed women to be intellectually equal to men and, upon his election to the New York State Legislature, submitted a bill to allow women to vote.

72. A woman named Lena Paahlsson lost her wedding ring for 16 years before finding it growing on a carrot in her garden.

73. Joseph Smith was killed by an angry mob while incarcerated. Smith had tried to suppress a local that had exposed Smith's practice of polygamy implying that he used his religion as a pretext to seduce and marry unassuming women including the wives of some of his closest associates.

74. In the 1600's London was plagued by an attacker who would grab unaccompanied women, lift their dress, smack their bare bottoms and yell "spanko!" while running away.

75. All U.S. Treasurers since 1949 have been women.

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