Random Revelations: Article #80- 30 Fascinatingly Uncommon Random Facts

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26Nino Di Matteo

Nino Di Matteo

Owing to the severity of death threats from local Mafia, the public prosecutor named Nino Di Matteo of Sicily has 42 bodyguards.

27. There are Penguins that live in rainforests of Stewart Island in New Zealand.

28. We can't make up for a sleep deficit by sleeping longer another day.

29. After Winston Churchill was knocked down by a car in New York in 1931, his doctor issued a medical note that Churchill’s convalescence “necessitates the use of alcoholic spirits, especially at mealtimes,” specifying 250 cc's (8 oz) per day as the minimum.

30. A total of 130,000 square miles of land in Russia, or an area slightly larger than New Mexico if put together, is designated a "Zapovednik". It is a strict nature reserve where access for humans is severely restricted, and in many cases completely banned (apart from wildlife researchers).

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