Random Revelations: Article #123- 30 Astonishingly Strange Random Facts to Amaze You

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26The Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left

The 2009 movie 'The Last House on the Left' is a remake of the 1972 movie of the same name, which was based on the 1960 movie 'The Virgin Spring', which in turn was based on Töres döttrar i Wänge (1812), a Ballad, remake of a longer version from 1673, which is the backstory of why the church of Kärna (1100s) has been built.

27. There is an area in France (Zone Rouge) that people are still not allowed into over 100 years after the Battle of Verdun.

28. Giving regular blood donations can burn 650 calories each time leading to weight loss and reduce your risk of both heart disease and cancer.

29. When the NFL football team Seattle Seahawks invited a retired 4-star general (Peter Chiarelli) to their facility, Seattle's head coach Pete Carroll blitzed him with questions about whether the 9/11 attacks “had been planned or faked” by the government.

30. All the "ancient" crystal skulls of Central America were actually created in Europe during the 19th century. The Brazilian quartz deposit the skulls are made of was unknown during ancient times and likely crafted in the 19th-century German workshop renowned for crafting objects of Brazilian quartz.

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