Random Revelations: Article #106- 31 Unexpectedly True and Interesting Random Facts

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26Nördlingen town

Nördlingen town

The town of Nördlingen in Germany is embedded with millions of microscopic diamonds due to an asteroid which struck the area some 15 million years ago.

27. The Leatherman was a vagabond (a wanderer having no settled home) who walked an annual 365-mile circuit between Connecticut and New York for over 30 years. He wore handmade leather clothes, slept in caves, and communicated with gestures in broken English, though he was fluent in French. His background, name, and origin are all unknown.

28. The ‘Frog Boys’ was a nickname given to a group of South Korean children who went missing while frog hunting. Their bodies were discovered 11 years later, with the police concluding that they probably died from hypothermia. A later autopsy however revealed them to have been murdered, one with a shotgun blast to the head.

29. A South African plant named Ceratocaryum argenteum produces seeds that look and smell like animal dung, tricking dung beetles into burying them, which helps the seeds germinate.

30. Morphine's name is derivative of Morpheus, a Greek god of sleep and dreams.

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