Random Revelations: Article #103- 34 Ridiculously Fascinating Random Facts That Defy Logic

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Doctors in the early 1900s thought bicycles would turn women gay.

27. The reason currency in US is green in color because U.S. Bureau of Printing and Engraving had plenty of green ink, which was durable. The color green was also associated with stability.

28. Luciano Leggio, the former head of the Corleonesi Mafia clan, was first convicted at the age of 18 for stealing corn. As soon as he completed a six-month sentence, he murdered the man who had reported him to the police.

29. Film producer Carl Laemmle immigrated to USA in 1884. He started one of the first movie theaters in Chicago, challenged Thomas Edison’s monopoly on films, began advertising stars to increase their earnings, founded Universal Studios and sponsored hundreds of Jews to immigrate from Nazi Germany to USA.

30. The “Drinkable Book” turns dirty water clean. Not only is it an instruction manual on how to filter water but it also has removable pages that are coated in silver nanoparticles that can be used to filter unclean water itself.

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The croissant is not really French. It was inspired by the Austrian kipfel that dates back to at least 1227.

32. Mark Twain was obsessed with technology, writing science fiction including 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court' which featured time travel. He also had a close personal friendship with Nikola Tesla and said: "a man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds".

33. Armageddon is a real place in Israel. It is a mountain named Megiddo that was misspelled in Greek translation to Armageddon. So everyone can visit Armageddon.

34. Modern Hard Disk Drives have read/write heads that float 4 to 5 nanometers above the surface of the disk while it spins. For scale, a human hair is 80,000-100,000 nm thick.

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