Random Facts Generator

The best random facts generator available on the internet. Got time to spend, but don't know what to look for? Just refresh this page and you will have 10 random facts each time. Each fact comes with sources (only site on the internet to provide them). Each fact can be individually shared. The total number of facts this generator can currently generate is 52234.


The guillotine remained the official method of execution in France until the death penalty was abolished in 1981. The final three guillotinings in France were all child-murderers.


42Project Bluebird

During Project Bluebird (a CIA project) researchers dosed over 7,000 U.S. military personnel with LSD, without their knowledge or consent. Years after the experiment, more than 1000 of these soldiers suffered from several illnesses, including depression and epilepsy. Many of them committed suicide.



In the 17th century, choir boys as young as eight years old would be castrated in order to preserve their pre-pubescent "angel voices."


44Manson Family Murders

Manson Family was a cult led by Charles Manson. The group consisted of about 100 followers who were mostly young girls who were drawn to the commune by hippy culture and drug use. They were radicalized by Manson’s teaching and believed he was a manifestation of Jesus. In 1969, he sent five members of his “family” to two homes in Los Angeles to kill anyone who lived there. They killed actress Sharon Tate (who was 8-1/2 months pregnant) and four other people who were renting with her. They were also responsible for a number of other murders, assaults, petty crimes and thefts.


45Orange snow

In 2007, Siberia experienced orange snow. It was most likely caused by a heavy sandstorm in neighboring Kazakhstan. Tests on the snow revealed numerous sand and clay dust particles and high iron content, which were blown into Russia from the upper stratosphere.


46Milk allergy

Milk allergy is quite different from Lactose intolerance and can be problematic for young children due to ignorance of the differences.


47Kylie Minogue

Australian-British singer Kylie Minogue confesses: “I have a hanger phobia – I don’t like the way they sound when you put them in the wardrobe.”


48Cerro Rico

Cerro Rico, one of Bolivia's oldest silver mines has claimed the lives of an estimated 8 million people in the past 500 years. It is known as the 'Mountain that eats men" and is still mined with pick and shovel today.


49Intelligence testing

During World War 1, all Army recruits underwent intelligence testing, which became the largest mass testing that had ever been attempted. By the end of the war close to 2 million soldiers had been tested. As a result of the tests roughly half of the recruits were classified at or below the level of “moron.”


50International Space Station

Without thermal controls, the temperature of the international space station would soar to 250 degrees Fahrenheit while in the sun and plunge to minus 250 degrees In the shade.


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