Facts About Science: 50 Facts to Deepen Your Understanding

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26 Retinal Recycling Process – Facts About Science

Retinal Recycling Process-Facts About Science-Facts About Science

After exposure to light, the retinal, a photoreceptor molecule in your eye, must leave the eye and travel to the liver for recycling. This recycling process is critical for maintaining vision and overall eye function.

27. Marie Curie is the only person to have won Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields (as of June 2024). She received the Physics Nobel Prize in 1903 and the Chemistry Nobel Prize in 1911.

28. Scientists estimate there are “70 thousand million, million, million” stars in the observable universe. Astonishingly, just 10 drops of water contain as many H2O molecules as there are stars in the sky.

29. Since the emergence of our species, humans have experienced 125,000 generations. In contrast, it’s been 7,500 generations since our physiology reached its modern state, 500 generations since the agricultural revolution, and only 20 generations since the scientific revolution.

30. Magnesium is very effective against anxiety, and many people are deficient in this essential mineral. A beneficial magnesium supplement can be as effective as medication for anxiety, but with positive side effects.

31 Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment

Schrodinger's Cat Experiment-Facts About Science-Facts About Science

Schrodinger created his famous “cat experiment” to illustrate that misinterpretations of quantum theory can lead to absurd conclusions that do not reflect reality. Ironically, many popularizers of science now use Schrödinger’s Cat to claim that this absurdity accurately represents how the real world works.

32. In 1875, scientists accidentally discovered Challenger Deep, the deepest-known point on Earth, during history’s first major scientific expedition devoted to oceanography. This discovery significantly expanded our understanding of the ocean’s depths.

33. Nitrogen triiodide is a contact explosive so sensitive that it can detonate from a feather’s touch, air currents, or even Alpha particles. When triggered, it explodes with a sharp snap and releases a purple cloud of iodine vapor, making it impossible to store, transport, or use.

34. An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel discovered modern genetics between 1856 and 1863. He revolutionized our understanding of genetics by conducting a scientific experiment on 28,000 plants. Despite its significance, scientists ignored his work for 40 years and nearly lost it, highlighting a pivotal fact about the history of science.

35. The Epley maneuver, developed by Dr. John Epley, is a simple and effective treatment for vertigo involving a sequence of head movements. Despite its proven efficacy and ease of application, Dr. Epley struggled to convince other doctors of its effectiveness.

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36 Russia’s Monument to Mice – Facts About Science

Russia's Monument to Mice-Facts About Science-Facts About Science

A monument in Russia honors laboratory mice for their contribution to science.

37. American adults possess higher scientific literacy than their European or Japanese counterparts, despite the USA’s poor reputation in education.

38. Despite Carl Sagan’s scientific background and significant contributions to public science education, the National Academy of Sciences rejected his nomination. The “Sagan Effect” caused popular scientists in the media to be perceived as less knowledgeable than their peers.

39. Consuming as little as 15 milligrams of elemental tellurium can cause a person’s sweat and breath to smell like garlic for eight months. This fact about science illustrates the peculiar effects of certain elements on the human body.

40. The “Women Are Wonderful” effect describes how people generally associate more positive attributes with women than men. While this attribution exists across both genders, women’s in-group bias is four times greater than men’s.

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41 Lightning in Earth’s Nitrogen Cycle

Lightning in Earth's Nitrogen Cycle-Facts About Science

Lightning from clouds plays a crucial role in Earth’s nitrogen cycle by breaking down nitrogen molecules in the air. Rain then dissolves these molecules and carries them to the ground, providing essential nitrogen for the growth, production, and decomposition of all living things.

42. Unlike most science fiction shows, ‘Firefly’ accurately depicts space scenes silently because sound cannot travel in the vacuum of space. This attention to scientific detail sets ‘Firefly’ apart from other shows.

43. Snow and ice are slippery due to a four-molecule-thick layer of water present on the surface, which is effective down to -30°C. Below this temperature, the surface becomes a true solid, making activities like skating and skiing extremely difficult.

44. Impossible colors, such as red-green (not brown) and yellow-blue (not green), can appear to humans by staring at adjacent bits of these colors. This can trick your brain into perceiving colors you’ve never seen before.

45. Orotidine 5′-phosphate decarboxylase, an exceptionally efficient enzyme, speeds up a reaction that would normally take 78 million years to just 18 milliseconds.

15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

46 MSG in Scientific Community – Facts About Science

MSG in Scientific Community-Facts About Science

The scientific community generally considers MSG (monosodium glutamate) harmless, despite its negative stigma from anecdotal complaints in the 1960s.

47. Necrobotics is a branch of science that can transform spider corpses into robots. This innovative field combines biology and robotics, offering a unique application of scientific principles.

48. Reading simplified scientific papers can lead people to overestimate their understanding and underestimate the value of experts in that field. This fact about science highlights the importance of expertise and in-depth knowledge.

49. The oligodynamic effect self-disinfects brass door knobs in about 8 hours. This natural disinfecting property of brass showcases a practical fact about science and materials.

50. Iran boasts the highest female-to-male ratio in universities among sovereign nations. As of 2012, over 70% of students in engineering and pure sciences were women.

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