Behind the Magic: 31 Surprising Facts About Disney Films

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26Escape From Tomorrow

Escape From Tomorrow

Disney never sought legal action against 'Escape From Tomorrow' (a movie shot illegally inside Disneyland featuring among other things Disney princesses as prostitutes) in order to avoid giving it extra publicity. The movie ended up only making $171,962 theatrically.

27. In 1985, Disney released Return to OZ a sequel to 'The Wizard of OZ'. While being more true to the original novels, it was considered not friendly for children. At the beginning of the movie, Dorothy is receiving electroshock therapy. One reviewer said: “It's bleak, creepy, and occasionally terrifying.”

28. The Disney film "The Emperor's New Groove", was originally supposed to be a more dramatic, Lion King-style movie called "Kingdom of the Sun."

29. After Disney released "Princess and the Frog", over 50 children were hospitalized with salmonella from kissing frogs.

30. The development of the Disney animated film Wreck-it-Ralph started in the late 1980's, spanning nearly three decades and four working titles.

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31Pocahontas and John Smith

Pocahontas and John Smith

Pocahontas was only 11 when she met the 28-year-old John Smith.

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