1 Sgt. Dakota Meyer

On 8 September 2009, Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer disobeyed a direct order from a superior to pull back from his position so he could rescue wounded soldiers from a firefight a mile away. He ended up going back five times, saved the lives of 36 soldiers, and won the Medal of Honor.
2. In 2011, 550 motorcyclists participated in a ride to protest New York State’s mandatory helmet law. During the ride, One of the rider’s breaks failed and was sent over the handlebars and hit his head on the pavement, killing him. Medical experts said he would have survived if he had worn his helmet.
3. One 18-inch pizza has more pizza than two 12 inch pizzas.
4. Steve Irwin’s 13-year-old son (Robert Irwin) is an award-winning wildlife photographer.
5. 1-3% of people are equipped with a mutated gene called hDEC2 which allows their body to get rest it requires from just a few hours of sleep.
6 Children

Children will, on average, eat 54% more fruits and vegetables if recess comes before lunch (versus the other way around).
7. Fred Mertz does not appear in two episodes of “I Love Lucy” due to the actor William Frawley’s contract, which stated that he did not have to work if the NY Yankees were playing in The World Series.
8. In 1984, Mcdonalds offered free Big Macs, Fries, or a Coke for each Gold, Silver or Bronze in the Olympics. During that year the Soviet Union boycotted the US Olympics and therefore the US got many more medals than expected which became a huge failure for Mcdonalds.
9. Honey bees ejaculate so forcefully that their penises explode. This kills the honey bee.
10. The Super Soaker inventor (Lonnie Johnson) is a Tuskegee-trained NASA engineer who used the money earned from the toy to do research on solar power and batteries.
11 Deaf people’s dream

In the dreams of deaf people, they still don’t hear but either the people in their dreams know sign language or all communication is essentially telepathic.
12. At a ‘The Who’ concert in 1969, a man rushed the stage and tried to take the microphone. Roger Daltrey punched him in the face, and Pete Townshend kicked him in the crotch. The man was actually a plain-clothes policeman trying to warn of a large fire next door. Townshend was later arrested.
13. A woman’s professional and personal life was ruined with a single tweet that said: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” The woman, Justine Sacco, turned out to be a P.R. Chief for a large internet company.
14. The Beatles’ “I Want To Hold Your Hand” is often misheard in Japan as “Ahonahōnyōhan”, meaning “Idiotic public urination”.
15. McDonald’s “Super-Sizing” started as a Jurassic Park merchandising tie-in.
16 Lyndon B. Johnson

President Lyndon B. Johnson often peed in public, even during his presidency. One time, a gust of wind blew his urine onto the leg of one of his Secret Service agents. When the agent informed him he was being peed on, President Johnson replied, “I know. That’s my prerogative.”
17. Howie Mandel was expelled from his high school for impersonating a member of the school board and signing a construction contract to make an addition to his school.
18. A good old-fashioned fistfight between consenting parties is legal in the state of Washington.
19. Rock & Roll pioneer Ritchie Valens had a fear of flying due to a freak accident where two airplanes collided over his school’s playground, killing or injuring many of his friends. He got over this fear due to the demands of his career and subsequently died in a plane crash at the age of 17.
20. In 1962, Warren Buffett agreed to sell shares of a failing company for $11.50 per share. The written offer was for only $11.375, so Buffett decided to buy more of the stock, took control of the company and fired the man who made the offer.
15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
21 Norway football team

Norway is the only national football team to beat Brazil and have never lost to them.
22. Julius Caesar was captured by pirates and laughed in their faces when the ransom wasn’t large enough. Then, while sending his men for the silver, he won them over by patronizing them and threatening to have them all killed, which he did.
23. Men with noticeable bellies and higher BMIs last 7.3 minutes longer in bed than slimmer men.
24. Sony is primarily an insurance company in Japan and electronics are not their main source of income.
25. There’s a temperate rainforest in Russia that’s home to Leopards, Tigers, and Brown bears.