30 Crazy But True Facts About USA You Didn’t Know – Part 2

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26North and South Dakota

North and South Dakota

North and South Dakota are two different states because they couldn't agree on where the capital should be.

27. Maryland passed the United States' first campaign finance reform law in 1811. It prohibited candidates from purchasing alcohol for voters, which was an extremely common practice at the time.

28. In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.

29. In 1950, residents of Mosinee, Wisconsin held a mock Communist invasion, which had concentration camps, a purged library, and inflated prices. The mayor, seemingly unaware of the plan, died due to the excitement.

30. Whiteclay, a town of 14 people in Nebraska sells 4 million cans of beer per year, mostly to the natives who are prohibited from drinking it on the reservation located right next to Whiteclay.

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