PT, a 43-year-old farmer, sought urgent medical attention due to escalating symptoms that originated from an unconventional treatment he administered to himself. His initial complaints included chest pain and scrotal eczema, which he attributed to the application of what he deemed "medicine" between his legs. His self-prescribed remedy arose from his conviction that the herbicide he applied would ease his discomfort. The development of sores and wounds, which he interpreted as proof of the treatment's efficacy, supported this conviction.
PT's medical history was marked by a secretive event that occurred during the night, which he kept undisclosed. He believed this encounter carried divine consequences, leading him to interpret his ensuing discomfort as a form of punishment. In an attempt to alleviate his perceived punishment, he resorted to applying herbicide to his genital area, convinced that it would provide relief from his symptoms. He drew an analogy between the stripping away of plant tissue by herbicide and the removal of infected tissue from his body. This belief led him to undertake a regimen of diluting herbicide in water and applying it multiple times a day to his genital region, hoping for relief from the tingling sensation he interpreted as a sign of the treatment's efficacy.
As days passed, PT's condition worsened despite his continued application of herbicide. He experienced increasing discomfort, including tightness in his chest and severe pain, prompting him to seek medical intervention. Upon examination, medical staff observed severe damage to PT's scrotum and perineum, indicative of systemic absorption of Paraquat, a highly toxic herbicide. Despite efforts to mitigate the toxicity and treat his symptoms, PT's condition rapidly deteriorated, leading to multi-organ failure and, ultimately, his demise.