Desperate Plot: Fake Robbery Backfires

Desperate Plot: Fake Robbery Backfires

Chanh Tran, a restaurant worker, hatched a bizarre plan in 2018 to fake an armed robbery to scare her coworker, Chung Liu Huang, so that Huang's husband wouldn't let her open the restaurant alone in the mornings. Tran recruited a homeless man named Conan Dehut to carry out the staged heist, claiming that she was worried about Huang's safety. The plan involved Dehut pretending to hold Huang hostage with a knife while Tran would intervene with cash, making it look like a rescue. However, the plan quickly spiraled out of control when Tran veered off-script during the attempted robbery.

Dehut's knife accidentally cut Tran in the commotion, which wasn't the original plan. Surveillance footage captured the entire incident, leading Tran to confess to the police. Both Tran and Dehut were arrested and faced charges of solicitation to commit second-degree kidnapping, unlawful use of a weapon, and menacing.

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