Picasso Masterpieces Heist of 2007

Picasso Masterpieces Heist of 2007

In an art heist back in 2007, two Picasso paintings, valued at a staggering 50 million euros ($66 million), were stolen from the Paris home of Diana Widmaier Picasso, the granddaughter of the legendary Spanish painter. The stolen artworks were "Maya a la poupee" (Maya with a doll) from 1938 and "Portrait de femme, Jacqueline" from 1961. The theft occurred while Diana and a friend were sleeping, and the burglars left no signs of forced entry, leaving the investigation cloaked in mystery.

This theft is not the first time that Picasso's descendants have been targeted. In 1989, Marina Picasso, another of the artist's granddaughters, fell victim to a burglary at her villa in Cannes, France, resulting in the theft of more than $17 million worth of art, including seven Picasso paintings.

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