1966 Jules Rimet Trophy Heist

1966 Jules Rimet Trophy Heist

The Jules Rimet Trophy Robbery of 1966 occurred just months before the FIFA World Cup in England. Thieves broke into the Methodist Central Hall in London on March 20, 1966, and stole the coveted trophy. It was found a week later in a garden hedge by a dog named Pickles, becoming an instant sensation and later starring in films and TV commercials.

The thieves were arrested and convicted, but the mastermind remained unknown. England went on to host and win the 1966 World Cup, cementing the trophy's legacy with the famous phrase "They think it's all over... it is now!" coined by commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme. The heist, the dramatic recovery, and England's victory combined to create a captivating chapter in the history of football and the Jules Rimet Trophy.

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