Robber's Illegible Notes Foil Heists

Robber's Illegible Notes Foil Heists

Alan Slattery, a hapless British bank robber, failed three times in two weeks due to his unintelligible handwriting. In his initial robbery on March 18, 2021, cashiers couldn't discern his illegible note, leaving him empty-handed. Although the message later revealed a threat and demand for cash, Slattery's terrible handwriting played a significant role in his downfall. Undeterred, he successfully robbed another bank on March 26, securing £2,400.

In a moment of sheer foolishness, Slattery used his bus pass after the second heist, providing authorities with a clear image of his face. During his final failed attempt on April 1, he fled an empty-handed cashier. Ultimately, Slattery received a six-year sentence, with four years in prison and two years on probation, highlighting the importance of legible handwriting, even for would-be criminals.

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