Daring & Mystery Tokyo Heist of 1968

Daring & Mystery Tokyo Heist of 1968

In December 1968, a daring heist unfolded in Tokyo when a fake cop on a motorcycle duped bank employees into fleeing a supposed bomb threat. The fake officer tricked the four men, who were transporting 294 million yen to a Toshiba factory, into leaving their vehicle. As they fled, the imposter calmly drove off with the equivalent of $3.6 million today. This audacious crime triggered Japan's largest police investigation, costing over $12 million and involving hundreds of detectives.

Despite the massive effort, the case remains unsolved to this day. The only real suspects were a teenager who poisoned himself and a man with a solid alibi. The statute of limitations eventually expired, leaving the thief free from prosecution. To add to the intrigue, another bank employee took out an insurance policy on the stolen cash just 15 minutes before the heist. This daring robbery continues to captivate Japan, inspiring books, movies, TV dramas, and comic book series.

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