Canadian child killer Peter Woodcock due to his crimes was given intense treatment over many years, deemed safe, and given a weekend pass from the mental institution he was incarcerated under supervision. He was being supervised on the pass by Bruce Hamill, a former patient and also a murderer. Woodcock had previously convinced Hamill that an 'alien brotherhood' would solve his problems if he helped kill another Brockville inmate, Dennis Kerr. On July 13, 1991, Hamill went to a hardware store, bought a plumber's wrench, hatchet, knives, and a sleeping bag, then went to the Brockville hospital and signed out Woodcock on his first publicly escorted day pass. They lured Kerr to a secluded spot and butchered him. Hamill took a handful of over-the-counter sleeping pills and waited for the aliens to come. Woodcock then went to the town police station and confessed. He claimed that the treatment they gave at the mental institution “served only to make him more adept at manipulating others.”
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