35 Terrifying Details We Bet You Missed About These Movie Villains

31Mother Gothel

Mother Gothel

In Disney’s Tangled, after Mother Gothel says “I love you most” to Rapunzel instead of kissing her forehead Mother Gothel kisses Rapunzel’s hair, which is her source of youth.

32Dr. Facilier

Dr. Facilier

In "The Princess and the Frog", Dr. Facilier's shadow reveals skulls on the wallpaper in his shop.

33White Witch

White Witch

In “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” the White Queen is wearing the fur of Aslan into battle. In the book, the White Queen shaves Aslan to humiliate him before killing him. However, the book never mentions the White Queen wearing his fur.

34Elle Driver

Elle Driver

In ‘Kill Bill: Vol 1’, Elle Driver’s codename is “California Mountain Snake”. Elle isn't able to poison The Bride which is symbolic of her codename since the California Mountain Snake (a.k.a. California Mountain Kingsnake) is non-venomous in real life.

35Amy Dunne

Amy Dunne

The ending shot of Gone Girl shows ultimately how little things have changed. The speed his hand moves away in the last shot is such a great comparison to the first.

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