25 Totally Creepy Spider Facts That’ll Keep You Up At Night

21Annual Tarantula Exhibition

Annual Tarantula Exhibition

There is an Annual Tarantula Exhibition, where participants are judged much like dogs in a dog show. Participants are judged on shiny coats, correct proportions, an active demeanor and proper stance. In 2014, the event was attended by more than 30,000 tarantulas and their keepers.

22Carolina wolf spider

Carolina wolf spider

The Carolina wolf spider is the Official state spider of South Carolina, and South Carolina is the only U.S. State that recognizes a state spider.

23Red widow

Red widow

The male red widow spiders force feed themselves to the female of their species. If she spits him out, he will keep shoving himself into her mandibles.

24Spitting spider

Spitting spider

The “spitting spider” is the only spider that can shoot a web at its prey at speeds too fast for the human eye to see and the web actually has evolved to contract and tighten around its prey; rendering it immobile.

25Nursery web spider

Nursery web spider

The male nursery web spider will give wrapped gifts to the female, as a mating ritual. If the gift is rejected, the male will play dead and later repeat the process.

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