23 Surprising Facts About Postal Services Around the World

21Pneumatic mail tube system

Pneumatic mail tube system

Post office workers once sent a live cat through the pneumatic mail tube system in New York.

22Mongolia postal service

Mongolia postal service

Mongolia’s postal service adopted a system that uses a 3-word address instead of a street address. The system maps the world into patches of 9 square meters and assigns each one a unique 3-word address that helps postal workers deliver mail in the city or remote places more efficiently.

23Ferdinand Cheval

Ferdinand Cheval

A French postman named Ferdinand Cheval tripped on a rock in 1879 on his mail route, and inspired by its strange shape, began collecting stones for the next 33 years to build “Le Palais Idéal” (the Ideal Palace) by himself. It still stands and is a major example of “naive architecture”.

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