23 Bizarre Facts From the 1300s That’ll Surprise You

21Charles IV

Charles IV

In 1350, Charles IV, the King of Bohemia went missing. People were told he was poisoned. In fact, he was recovering from a disastrous jousting injury. He broke his jaw and injured cervical vertebrae. It would be hard to survive that kind of injury even today, but he did.

22Yi Kaizhan

Yi Kaizhan

In 1372, according to legend Yi Kaizhan was hired to build a fort along the Great Wall of China. He ordered the exact number of bricks he needed. When his judgment was questioned, he added one more brick. That brick was never used.

23Dancing mania

Dancing mania

On June 24, 1374, one of the first documented outbreaks of St John's Dance struck Aachen, Germany. People would dance uncontrollably for no apparent reason, even continuing to writhe around on the ground after collapsing from exhaustion.

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